Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Be Inspired"

It’s my Wednesday Blog!

Let me start off by saying our lives are not promised for tomorrow. So Forgive Quickly, Believe Slowly, Love truly and Laugh uncontrollably! So far we have lost two in Entertainment icons in a week, Joe Frazier and Heavy D. And let’s hope that is all we have to loss in these short months until the New Year.  

Also in the Entertainment News, the Duggars is expecting their 20th child and they have two grandchildren. I must say the first thing that popped in my mind was…AGAIN?!?! And if you’re like me, you were thinking, “Didn’t you have almost fatal complications with your last pregnancy?” But you know, I follow the Duggars and they are a wonderful family. They pay their own bills, they give to others and if that’s what they want and it isn’t hurting anybody…then I say “to each it’s own”. She stated one day on the show that her and her husband do not believe in birth control. I believe they tried it once before and she miscarried, and she felt like that was something God had placed upon her and her husband to not do again. And me personally, I believe birth control does have an effect on how you conceive. And yesterday, when asked how she will deal with all the slack she will receive, she stated "If we felt that way, we would have stopped back with our second birth," insists Michelle, 45, who experienced preeclampsia during her second pregnancy with twins John David and Jana, now 21. "There are many women who have experienced preeclampsia and have gone on to have more children." Source So again, that’s a personal choice, and it shows that women can still have babies well over the common told end year of giving birth at 35.

Alright, I just want to share a tip with you ladies, in the mornings I am so busy getting my little one nursed, dressed, one on one time and on top of that me out the door looking half way decent. The best thing for me when I’m out the door and want to look refreshing is Mary Kay concealor. It covers my dark circles and sleepy bags, I throw on a lil shadow, eye liner and gloss…and honey I look like I never missed any sleep. So try it out! The saying goes “when you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you work good!” :0)

Good To Know (GTK) info for upcoming local events:
If you are going to the Galaxy of Lights at Botanical Gardens, either walking or going to the drive thru, there is now a new entrance way by the Marriott at the Space Center. has video and detail information about this at:

Going to Black Friday and you need a babysitter??? Don’t worry Sci-Quest will keep your little one’s safe and entertained, for more info go to:

Lesson of the Day: Be Inspired ~ Heavy D, last Tweet

Monday, November 7, 2011

Carry the Family

It's Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed that extra hour, I know I did!

Let's talk about the Big TV events over the weekend:
AU lost but it was totally a great game. If you're going to be #1 and #2, then that's how you should play; all field goals, ot and only won by 3points! I'm still proud :0)

RHOA (Real Housewives of ATL), all I can say is wow Nene has a big head. I'm proud of anyone is doing great things and are excelling but remember "God will giveth and he can take it away". And I just love Pheadra's quotes but those Top Hats, and Saxophone, for the funeral...was a little over the top, a little "Boughetto" lol. Kim, I think she looks nice preggo! I love her new home and I see she still kept Sweetie around after all that talk about how she treats her like a slave. I say if that's what Sweetie wants then Hey, more power to you. Sheree, I keep up with Sheree for Lawerance. Lawerance is fierce honey...two naps and a head roll please! And last but  not least Kandi, she is a business woman and I like it...keep doing your thing and I love the new hairdo!

As women, mothers, etc. WE ARE THE CAR THAT CARRIES THE FAMILY. We may get ran over, our batteries may be run down, but we get jumped off and we keep it moving. We try our best to avoid all the potholes that come about but sometimes we hit them and we take the hit and keep on going.

Over the weekend I became ill, to the point I couldn't care for my little like I wanted to, but I've learned even though you're sick, you still have a duty to do, and  the one good thing I had goinng was my better half, my husband when I wasn't able to be 100%  he was there to cover the rest. He's great and I think God for him!! In fact we celebrate our Anniversary this Friday!

I hope everyone has a prospering Monday and enjoy this beautiful day.

Lesson of the Day! Every saint has a PAST and Every sinner has a FUTURE! ~ Pheadra

Friday, November 4, 2011

Fast week but Hot Topics!

Do you know what today is…… It’s Friday!!!!

This week went by fast and I am happy, it started off very busy with Halloween but it’s slowed down some J

Okay ladies there are two BIG TV events happening this weekend, one for your man and the other one for you. Tomorrow is the LSU vs UA, kickoff is at 7pm, I suggest you be prepared to hear A LOT of hooting and hollering, it’s the game everyone has been waiting on all season, so just get ready for the beer and cigars.  And for us…….RHOA (Real Housewives of ATL) is going down Sunday and I cannot wait! I am so glad all the ladies decided to return for the 4th season, I’m sure it’s full of drama. RHOA is the original and my favorite next to Jersey.  

Alright, unfortunately with the fall and winter season, comes the flu and colds. For your baby, you need to really dress him/her properly, but according to my Pediatrician, it’s the cold season and eventually your baby will have some type of cold form…yeah I know it sucks, but for symptoms of colds and to check for symptoms of rsv (respiratory syncytial virus) go to:
Also, this is the time for Flu shots, check with your doctor and/or pediatrician to see if the flu shot is right for you and your baby. Flu shots are a personal choice; you are your body’s best doctor.

I must share: My baby is now 4 months and she has grown so much…she is going to be so independent and strong willed…like someone I know very personally…lol, but she knows where her milk supply comes from, and how to get it. I’ve been so tickled…lately while she is breastfeeding, she’ll take her little hand, place it on top of my boob and squeeze it. LOL….it’s the funniest thing ever; she has me laughing at three in the mornings.

Coupon Alert! Essence has a new “Hair” issue out and Kelly Roland graces the cover. Now if you go to there is a $2 coupon for this new issue! Can’t beat it!

I was listening to Ricky Smiley this morning and Kandi Burress, was on the show and they were talking about when she handed out sex toys to Andy (host) and Tyrese (the singer/ model/ actor) on her recent appearance on “What What Happens Live” and Tyrese kicked the bag of toys around on the floor, like he didn’t want it. She stated on RS this morning that men are intimated by bringing toys in the bedroom. What do you think? Are men intimated by sex toys? Are they needed?

Life Lesson of the Day: Talk slowly but think quickly!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tip Day!

It’s Wednesday so you know I have a Fashion Tip, Marriage Tip, Baby Tip, and even a new Recipe!

Before I get started I wanted to welcome my new followers, so glad you ladies have decided to join me J

Today’s Fashion Tip:
Color Blocking…..I have seen so many celebs doing this new trend, to Wendy Williams, to Tracee Ellis Ross to Kristen Cavallari. Now if you don’t know how to do it, DON’T try it because you can either look really uncoordinated or you can be one of the new fashion trendsetters. Color blocking is like using colors you wouldn’t normally see together like red and gray or teal and yellow….different huh? But it’s actually cute if you know what you’re doing. And it’s another way to add bright colors to your fall wardrobe. Check out for more tips on how to color block:

Baby Tip:
Tired of people butting in to how to take care of your baby, especially your in-laws or even you own parents? The best way is to listen to their advice (do the ole nod and but it does not mean you have to agree or follow it. These days everyone has an opinion or an old remedy to tell, but that may not be for you or you may be surprised…you may actually learn something. I’m like my dad… I tend to be very upfront, especially when it comes to me and the care of my family and in particular, the care of my baby;
Just let them know, in a gentle but assuring way, “Yes, I may be new to this and there are some things I may not know but be assured when it comes down to care of my baby, he/she is my top priority”. That way, they are aware and you have made your point. Remember, Grandparents just want the best for you and the baby; it may be hard for them to see you all grown up and taken care of another, because they have held your hand for so long. A friend once told me, “Grandparents have privileges not rights!” J

Marriage Tip:
Since the baby, show of hands, how many would rather catch up on some sleep than sex??? LOL. Believe me ladies I know, and I’m sure you’re hubby probably would say the same thing but tries to get “it” every chance he gets because he knows it’s know a commodity. Lmbo, it is too funny. Listen, I’ve been there, you put the baby down and you exhale and think…finally, now I can rest, but then…. As tired and exhausted you may be, I say go ahead…Sex can be a stress reliever and it can actually relax you and on top of that, it rekindles the flame in your relationship. It will seem like your needs are no longer priority and your body is no longer yours…especially when you’re breastfeeding too, BUT as soon as you feel that way, that’s when you tell the hubby, I need some “me” time and the debit card…lol. It is just as important that you take care of your diva self!

A simple recipe to try:

Total Time 20mins
  • 1 can condensed Southwest-style pepper jack soup
  • 8 ounces Mexican-style shredded cheese
  • 1 baguette French bread, sliced 1/2-inch thick
  • 1/2 stick butter, softened
  • Spicy Tomato-Cheese Soup, recipe follows
In a bowl, combine condensed cheese soup and the shredded cheese. Spread mixture on baguette slices. Butter the outside of the sandwiches.
Heat large frying pan or griddle over medium-high heat. Place sandwiches in the pan and cook until golden brown, approximately 2 minutes. Flip sandwiches and cook second side. Cover frying pan to ensure that the cheese melts. Serve as "dunkers" with mugs of Spicy Tomato-Cheese Soup.
Spicy Tomato-Cheese Soup:
1 can condensed tomato soup
1 can condensed Cheddar cheese soup
3 cups spicy tomato juice
2 teaspoons hot pepper sauce
1 teaspoon dried basil
Combine all ingredients in a medium saucepan. Heat thoroughly, over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
Serve in mugs with Grilled Cheese Dippers.

Lesson of the day: “Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its trouble, it empties today of its strength” ~ unknown

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Round of Applause....Standing Ovation"...

It's the morning after Halloween and let me tell you I am I give my parents (mostly momma) for getting all three of us together for Halloween, because I was popped after working all day, then off to get my lovebug feed, nursed, and dressed for trick or treat by 6:30...then drive back home unload my purse, baby's bag, her costume and candy....oh and not to mention a sleeping baby out the car, get her undressed and get her cloths picked for today...nurse her through the night...and start over again, and no I didn't forget my hubby's kisses and hugs either....can I say superwomen! Lol. But you know, that's what we as women have to do...we do it ALL! We are co-workers, wives, mothers, friends, we are the ones that keep the family together and running and not only that, we are expected to be as cheerful, warm-loving, nurturing, hard-working, patient, and cute all at the same time. If you are reading this, take your right hand and pat yourself on the back, because you are a not only a Mother but you are a Woman of ALL Trades.... and you deserve a "Round of Applause....Standing Ovation" I have the Rhianna song stuck in my head...if anybody knows me well enough they will tell you that I am my own radio, I will bust out a tone quick...just ask any co-worker, classmate, my momma, or husband and they will tell you....lmbo.

Okay, I cannot go without mentioning, Kim K and Herman Cain.

So unless you have been under a rock or died before 11am yesterday morning, then all of you are aware by now that Kim Kardashian divorced her NBA hubby Khris Humpries after 72 days of marriage. I have to admit, I watch the Kardashian's and I have followed this relationship and I must tell you it didn't seem like there was a true spark in the first place. I feel like, Kim felt obligated to get married; she is the oldest out of the 3 girls, well 5 girls. I mean Khloe got married and Kourtney had a baby, this is EVERYTHING Kim wanted… and after her big break up with Reggie (who she thought she would married) i'm sure she was longing for some love. Khris came along, looked okay (he wasn't the most handsome) but good enough, played in the NBA (even though I never heard of him until he got with Kim) and he proposed to her with that $2 million ring...shoot, I would have said yes I mean it's obvious he loves her because even after the story hit her tabloids and every news station, he still came out with a statement that he “still loved Kim and wanted to make the marriage work”. I know some of Kim's family wasn't that fond of him and a long distance relationship alone can hinder any bond between two people. So do I think it was a publicity stunt...NO. I mean, who would the stunt had been for? What to embarrass Kim? To give Kim the fame she already had? if anybody got fame off of it, it was her soon to be ex-husband Khris, because no one even knew who he was before this and what man wouldn't want to be with Kim and part of that rich family, I mean come on??? Listen, say what you want about the Kardashian's but they about that capitalization and they are smart, they had money way before the reality tv, so I wish Kim well.

Okay Herman Cain...I won’t take that much time on him...but all I want to say is that, he changes his views like I change my socks, so I hope he gets the Republican ticket so that Obama can do another sweep in the election votes...Herman Cain's campaign is comical...lmbo!
Almost done....yes, I know it's long but it's a good blog today :)

Lesson of the Day: "When you know better, you do better" ~Oprah per Maya Angelo