Monday, November 7, 2011

Carry the Family

It's Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed that extra hour, I know I did!

Let's talk about the Big TV events over the weekend:
AU lost but it was totally a great game. If you're going to be #1 and #2, then that's how you should play; all field goals, ot and only won by 3points! I'm still proud :0)

RHOA (Real Housewives of ATL), all I can say is wow Nene has a big head. I'm proud of anyone is doing great things and are excelling but remember "God will giveth and he can take it away". And I just love Pheadra's quotes but those Top Hats, and Saxophone, for the funeral...was a little over the top, a little "Boughetto" lol. Kim, I think she looks nice preggo! I love her new home and I see she still kept Sweetie around after all that talk about how she treats her like a slave. I say if that's what Sweetie wants then Hey, more power to you. Sheree, I keep up with Sheree for Lawerance. Lawerance is fierce honey...two naps and a head roll please! And last but  not least Kandi, she is a business woman and I like it...keep doing your thing and I love the new hairdo!

As women, mothers, etc. WE ARE THE CAR THAT CARRIES THE FAMILY. We may get ran over, our batteries may be run down, but we get jumped off and we keep it moving. We try our best to avoid all the potholes that come about but sometimes we hit them and we take the hit and keep on going.

Over the weekend I became ill, to the point I couldn't care for my little like I wanted to, but I've learned even though you're sick, you still have a duty to do, and  the one good thing I had goinng was my better half, my husband when I wasn't able to be 100%  he was there to cover the rest. He's great and I think God for him!! In fact we celebrate our Anniversary this Friday!

I hope everyone has a prospering Monday and enjoy this beautiful day.

Lesson of the Day! Every saint has a PAST and Every sinner has a FUTURE! ~ Pheadra

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