Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Good Morning, Good Morning!

Singing Good Morning, Goood Mooorrrning! This song is stuck in my head from watching Sprout this morning with my lil one. I think I know more of the songs then she does, smh...yes this is what it has become...lol. No more local news and Fresh Prince of  Bell Air, or HSN for me, now it's Caliou, The Wiggles, and Play With Me Sesame.

Okay so,  my baby has thick (THICK) curly (VERY) hair, and I am shocked that there isn't more products out there for her. I have searched online and it's either a whooping $32 for an 8oz (which will be gone in a week) or there really isn't nothing that makes me feel will really tackle what I'm looking for. I currently use Carol's Daughter Hair Milk, but it's just not doing the job, it works well for my thick non curly hair but not so much for her. Yesterday I went to a hair shop (not Sally's) and bought,another product hoping it will do the trick. I applied the new product today and it did give it mositure but not quite what I'm looking for but better. If any one has any suggestions, let me know!!!!!!

Has anyone tried Hot Yoga? I've been hearing alot about it but if it's what I think it is...which is, sitting in a hot room doing Yoga, I think I will pass.

So, it looks like I already have a busy weekend coming up. In one day, I am to go to a Birthday Party, get a message (in home, a treat for my mom and I) and going to a Fish Fry, which means, come Sunday all I want to do is shop (online) and RELAX. Let's see if that will happen..lol.

Also, are there any stay at home, working from home (actual earning) moms out there? if so please let me know. Send me a comment. 

Oh, I almost forgot, I am going to add two new websites (bottom of page) I found to be very helpful...Just Mommies and One Step Ahead....check them out!
Signing Off ~ Mrs. All

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