Monday, May 7, 2012

Been a while

Yes it has definetly been a while, such a while that I've had surgery, got a new vehicle, had a birthday and my baby is about to turn......(drum roll please).......The Big 1!!!!!

I can't believe it! I got so many thoughts and ideals going on in my head, that I said, I have got to write this down something.

So Mothers Day is coming up, and guess what it's my 1st... I truly enjoy being a mommy. I love what motherhood has done for my family. It has allowed me the understand the importance of time, time for growth, time with family, time of a year, time with my husband, and most importantly time for myself.

I never knew my limit of love until I had my baby. She has inspired me so much. I was telling my husband the other day, I said "Bae, how can you be overwhelmed so much by such a little one and still love it so much". She is work. Listen to me now.... her nick name is "TooLiveCrew"... she is what her daddy calls her, "Off the Chain"...she definetly does not make our job easy. But nothing worth having is not easy, if it was, we wouldn't cherish it so much. BUT with all that said, I would not trade motherhood for nothing.#lovemybaby.

Oh yall I could go, on and on, I have so many ideals and so much going on, I could write a short novel, I just don't have the "time" :0)

I will catch up with you all shortly, and begin posting photos of my bows and tutus, inpspired by my lovebug and design by me.

Hey- Leave me a comment! Let me know how your day is going!

Signing off! ~ Miss ALL!

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