Friday, May 11, 2012

A Special Weekend ~ Mothers Day!!!!!

I am screaming TGIF!!!! Good

Sooooo, I know it's Mother's Day for you, but don't forget about your Mom (or who ever you feel deserves the title). There are alot of great last minute gifts to get your mom, and don't forget the card! Plus, if your mom is computer savvy, send her an E Card, Hallmark has FREE ones!
I know that Stein Mart is have a big sale tomorrow and my mom loves that store. Also, get creative!!! Make her something. Get a basket and put together her favorite things, like a book, favorite bottle of Moscoto, scented candle, Whitney Housten CD (on sale at Target's for $5), a good book, try (50 trades of Gray...*warning, it's spicy*)..I would love this.
But even a simple phone to tell her " I Love You and Thank You", will surely put a smile on her face.

This year is very special to me, it's my first Mother's Day. The blessing the Lord has placed upon me to have a beautiful baby girl and an husband and father to share it with is enough for me. I love being a Mommy :0).

Ohhh, it's also "Frisky Friday" - tell your man, it's your day and you want to be served! And if don't have a man to get Frisky with, tonight is "Ladies Night at the Horse, with Kandi and Phadera"

Alright ladies, have a blessed, full, & relaxing deserve it!

Signing off ~ Mrs. ALL!

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