Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Mothers Day to Remember

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mothers Day! I've seen photos from everything to break feast in bed to personal messages.

What I can say about my Mothers Day was that I felt honored to finally be able to celebrate Mothers Day for the 1st time. Everything did not go as planned but it was definitely full of surprises and one I will NEVER forget. :0)

I extended my Mothers Day through Monday, and just returned to work yesterday so I am playing catch up.

Anyways, everyday is Mother's Day and every moment as a mother is precious.

Speaking of surprises...Tia Mowry is leaving the GAME!!!!!!!! After six seasons she is giving it up, no wonder why they moved her character (Melody)... left her man and home to follow her dreams. Wow! I can't believe it, first Kelly now Mel, and they say Darwin is next....I believe this is the end. So sad...good thing I got it on DVR! My new show anyway is Let's Stay Together, it has gotten better in better!

Also, I know I'm late but I was just able to watch Basketball Wives and them chicks are ridiculous, I can't even...just high school messy....I'm over it and Done!

Alright ladies, I want to end this blog with a poem I found...about being a Mother....

10 Things About Being a Mom

When they cry...kiss them.
When they are afraid...hold them.
Whey they ask...answer.
Let them explore...dirt washes off.
When you say "please and thank you"...they will say it to you.
Always do the right thing...even when nobody is looking.
There are many crises in the world...spinach on the wall isn't one of them.
and... Faith opens many doors.

Signing off ~ Mrs. ALL

Friday, May 11, 2012

A Special Weekend ~ Mothers Day!!!!!

I am screaming TGIF!!!! Good

Sooooo, I know it's Mother's Day for you, but don't forget about your Mom (or who ever you feel deserves the title). There are alot of great last minute gifts to get your mom, and don't forget the card! Plus, if your mom is computer savvy, send her an E Card, Hallmark has FREE ones!
I know that Stein Mart is have a big sale tomorrow and my mom loves that store. Also, get creative!!! Make her something. Get a basket and put together her favorite things, like a book, favorite bottle of Moscoto, scented candle, Whitney Housten CD (on sale at Target's for $5), a good book, try (50 trades of Gray...*warning, it's spicy*)..I would love this.
But even a simple phone to tell her " I Love You and Thank You", will surely put a smile on her face.

This year is very special to me, it's my first Mother's Day. The blessing the Lord has placed upon me to have a beautiful baby girl and an husband and father to share it with is enough for me. I love being a Mommy :0).

Ohhh, it's also "Frisky Friday" - tell your man, it's your day and you want to be served! And if don't have a man to get Frisky with, tonight is "Ladies Night at the Horse, with Kandi and Phadera"

Alright ladies, have a blessed, full, & relaxing deserve it!

Signing off ~ Mrs. ALL!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

FFF- Full Figured Fabulous and Fashionable

Morning Ladies! It's almost time for lunch!

So, today I came across this article on how to dress full-figured. Now I've been full figured most of my life, and just because you're not a size 2, it does not mean you can't be Full Figured, Fabulous and Fashionable (FFF). So today I want to share with you some of my favorite sites that I love to browse and shop at...and remember if store is  local, you can shop online and have it shipped FREE!

Here's my Fabulous list:

So ladies, we as women tend the be the "matriot" of our family. And alot of times we worry about everything else and everyone else, but that don't mean we can't be Fabulous and in my case, I'm an FFF!

"If you look good, you feel good" - Deon Sanders

Signing off ~ Mrs. ALL!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Late Night, Early Morning

So, for the past week my baby has had two teeth come in and a cold...and between her congestion and her change in sleeping patterns, let's just say it was a Marsha Ambrosius "Late Night, Early Morning"...I wish it was a Late Night, Early Morning for something else, if you know what I mean *wink*

Today I want to talk about Savings. Now I'm always up for a good deal...if it's a Good Deal, not cheap but Good. Anyhoo...If you have not checked out the discounted sites or then you should. They have many great deals from everything to oil changes, painting classes, restrauants, to my favorite...spas! Infact, I bought my mom and I a 60 minute "in home" massage for the price of one. And ladies if you want something a little spicy, lookout for the "pole dancing exercise classes". Sign up for email and/or app alerts, I do! Some deals you just can't pass up.

Also, I like to think of myself as crafty and creative, so I have been making outfits and bows for my baby, for the things I have made and love to do, I have saved tons of money, just by taking the time.

Also, do your research.... by looking at weekly ads or googleing or word of mouth, before you go shopping. For my babies party, I've been doing tons of research online...In fact, I bought party plates for $.59!!!! I also do alot of online shopping (on secured sites of course) and have the items shipped FREE to the store. Also, I was looking at Targets weekly ad and this week they have a sale on babies to children cloths 5 for $20, can't beat it. I going to rack up!
Also sign up for emails or apps or facebook for coupon savings. One of my favorite apps is will find numerous coupons from different companies. And of course... word of mouth, I don't know how many times the girls in the office have bounced off ideals, from everything to recipes and savings on milk and diapers. We even share coupons!!!!

Now, I again I say, "Good" deals not cheap, there's a difference.  

We'll time for me to get another cup of coffee...

Signing off ~ Mrs. ALL

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Good Morning, Good Morning!

Singing Good Morning, Goood Mooorrrning! This song is stuck in my head from watching Sprout this morning with my lil one. I think I know more of the songs then she does, smh...yes this is what it has No more local news and Fresh Prince of  Bell Air, or HSN for me, now it's Caliou, The Wiggles, and Play With Me Sesame.

Okay so,  my baby has thick (THICK) curly (VERY) hair, and I am shocked that there isn't more products out there for her. I have searched online and it's either a whooping $32 for an 8oz (which will be gone in a week) or there really isn't nothing that makes me feel will really tackle what I'm looking for. I currently use Carol's Daughter Hair Milk, but it's just not doing the job, it works well for my thick non curly hair but not so much for her. Yesterday I went to a hair shop (not Sally's) and bought,another product hoping it will do the trick. I applied the new product today and it did give it mositure but not quite what I'm looking for but better. If any one has any suggestions, let me know!!!!!!

Has anyone tried Hot Yoga? I've been hearing alot about it but if it's what I think it is...which is, sitting in a hot room doing Yoga, I think I will pass.

So, it looks like I already have a busy weekend coming up. In one day, I am to go to a Birthday Party, get a message (in home, a treat for my mom and I) and going to a Fish Fry, which means, come Sunday all I want to do is shop (online) and RELAX. Let's see if that will

Also, are there any stay at home, working from home (actual earning) moms out there? if so please let me know. Send me a comment. 

Oh, I almost forgot, I am going to add two new websites (bottom of page) I found to be very helpful...Just Mommies and One Step Ahead....check them out!
Signing Off ~ Mrs. All

Monday, May 7, 2012

Been a while

Yes it has definetly been a while, such a while that I've had surgery, got a new vehicle, had a birthday and my baby is about to turn......(drum roll please).......The Big 1!!!!!

I can't believe it! I got so many thoughts and ideals going on in my head, that I said, I have got to write this down something.

So Mothers Day is coming up, and guess what it's my 1st... I truly enjoy being a mommy. I love what motherhood has done for my family. It has allowed me the understand the importance of time, time for growth, time with family, time of a year, time with my husband, and most importantly time for myself.

I never knew my limit of love until I had my baby. She has inspired me so much. I was telling my husband the other day, I said "Bae, how can you be overwhelmed so much by such a little one and still love it so much". She is work. Listen to me now.... her nick name is "TooLiveCrew"... she is what her daddy calls her, "Off the Chain"...she definetly does not make our job easy. But nothing worth having is not easy, if it was, we wouldn't cherish it so much. BUT with all that said, I would not trade motherhood for nothing.#lovemybaby.

Oh yall I could go, on and on, I have so many ideals and so much going on, I could write a short novel, I just don't have the "time" :0)

I will catch up with you all shortly, and begin posting photos of my bows and tutus, inpspired by my lovebug and design by me.

Hey- Leave me a comment! Let me know how your day is going!

Signing off! ~ Miss ALL!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Be Inspired"

It’s my Wednesday Blog!

Let me start off by saying our lives are not promised for tomorrow. So Forgive Quickly, Believe Slowly, Love truly and Laugh uncontrollably! So far we have lost two in Entertainment icons in a week, Joe Frazier and Heavy D. And let’s hope that is all we have to loss in these short months until the New Year.  

Also in the Entertainment News, the Duggars is expecting their 20th child and they have two grandchildren. I must say the first thing that popped in my mind was…AGAIN?!?! And if you’re like me, you were thinking, “Didn’t you have almost fatal complications with your last pregnancy?” But you know, I follow the Duggars and they are a wonderful family. They pay their own bills, they give to others and if that’s what they want and it isn’t hurting anybody…then I say “to each it’s own”. She stated one day on the show that her and her husband do not believe in birth control. I believe they tried it once before and she miscarried, and she felt like that was something God had placed upon her and her husband to not do again. And me personally, I believe birth control does have an effect on how you conceive. And yesterday, when asked how she will deal with all the slack she will receive, she stated "If we felt that way, we would have stopped back with our second birth," insists Michelle, 45, who experienced preeclampsia during her second pregnancy with twins John David and Jana, now 21. "There are many women who have experienced preeclampsia and have gone on to have more children." Source So again, that’s a personal choice, and it shows that women can still have babies well over the common told end year of giving birth at 35.

Alright, I just want to share a tip with you ladies, in the mornings I am so busy getting my little one nursed, dressed, one on one time and on top of that me out the door looking half way decent. The best thing for me when I’m out the door and want to look refreshing is Mary Kay concealor. It covers my dark circles and sleepy bags, I throw on a lil shadow, eye liner and gloss…and honey I look like I never missed any sleep. So try it out! The saying goes “when you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you work good!” :0)

Good To Know (GTK) info for upcoming local events:
If you are going to the Galaxy of Lights at Botanical Gardens, either walking or going to the drive thru, there is now a new entrance way by the Marriott at the Space Center. has video and detail information about this at:

Going to Black Friday and you need a babysitter??? Don’t worry Sci-Quest will keep your little one’s safe and entertained, for more info go to:

Lesson of the Day: Be Inspired ~ Heavy D, last Tweet