Monday, October 31, 2011

H-a-p-p-y H-a-l-l-:O)-w-e-e-n!

So listen last week was extremely busy, and I so missed my blogging, it’s like therapy to me but now I back!!!!

H-a-p-p-y H-a-l-l-:O)-w-e-e-n!

Let me start this morning by saying how happy I am to be alive and well this morning. I have come to the conclusion that God has a plan for me and that he brought this blogging ideal to me so that I may be a blessing to others. He has great plans for me and I intend on using my blessing to help others, everyone keep me in your prayers and ask God to use me to do his will.

Alright, Christmas is coming up entirely too fast. We have only 54 days to go…yes that’s right, less than two months and yesterday Huntsville Times had the Toys R US Toy Magazine in the Sunday’s paper…how many of your children went through and circled everything on each page (even if they already had it)??? Lol too cute. Just tell them Santa Claus can’t fit all of that on the sleigh….lol. I’m so glad my little is still too little to do that but I know its coming.

Okay so….Beyonce and Jay Z are having…………………………………………………..drum roll please…………………………………………………….a baby GIRL!!!!!! We already know little “Jayonce” is going to have her own island by the age of two….lol.

Back to Halloween, we want our children to have a great time and bring out the little creatures in them but we also want them to be safe so here are alittle safety tips for trick or treating:

Now, if you really don’t want to go house to house with your children there are many churches around the valley that is having “Trunk or Treat” and they are just as fun.

But my little one and I are going to Grandma’s and helping to pass out candy and are going to a few houses. I'm so excited she’s going to be a little flower.

Today’s life lesson: If God brought you to it, he will bring you through it!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Enjoy this weekend!

Yay! Its Friday            

I’m taking my advice from Wednesday’s blog and having date night! I can’t wait, it’s much needed and I’m so excited, although, I’m going to miss my lovebug.

Halloween is 8 days away! Don’t miss out on the online costume deals. I actually wouldn’t wait until after this weekend to order online, it usually takes up to 5 to 7 days on standard shipping. And if you’re crafty and would like to make your own costume for you or your child, visit this website for some great tips and pictures: 

Local Halloween/Fall Events to do:
Scarecrow Trail
Tate Farms Cotton Pickin' Pumpkins
Distrubia Haunted Attraction
The Haunted Gin
Huntsville Ghost Walk

Well I’m off to enjoy my weekend…see you Monday!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hump Day= Marriage, Fashion & Baby!

I cannot believe it’s the middle of the week already!?!?

It’s Wednesday so it’s Fashion, Marriage and Baby Tip Day!

Fashion Tip
Today I want to talk about makeup, the fall’s new fashion trend is Smoky Metallic Eyes, and we’ve seen Rhianna, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, and Sarah Jessica Parker all wearing this new and sexy trend. For how to apply this look go to:

Baby Tip
So my lovebug is now starting to eat and you know what type of mess that can make, so I went hunting for some new bibs, and I found some Circo bibs at Target. The bibs are plastic which means, when baby spits out his/her food it will fall on the bib and you can wipe it right off with a wipe or wet paper cloth. It’s so easy and the mess is less for you to clean up. I believe I paid less than $5 for two in a pack. You can find these bibs in the baby section, past the cloths, near the toys!!

Marriage Tip
Listen I was going to write on a really simple topic but I just have to talk about how technology is just taking over and if you let it, it can take over your relationship too! So this week I heard about this new app, where you can purchase a “virtual girlfriend” ….I mean you can text her and she will text you back! Yeah…I know, crazy huh??? And then with Facebook, Twitter and all these other sites, it is very possible for anyone to have a “side piece”. That is why communication is key! Along with trust!!! Also, keep it fresh. Instead of your hubby getting text messages from a “virtual girlfriend”, how about you send him flirty texts yourself? You’ll be surprised how a compliment here and there can make a difference. A good website to look at that also touches on this topic and many other good topics is:

So now that we’ve covered your new look, getting baby together… plan a small date for you and the hubby this weekend. Ask the in laws or whoever you trust to watch your little one for a couple of hours and either go out or stay at home and snuggle up…this is good weather to be “booed up”…lol.

Today’s life lesson: Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it’s the only way to live life completely.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Be Mindful!

We are all aware that this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but we also need to be mindful that Heart Disease the most deadly, especially here in Alabama. So let’s be mindful of our health, and believe me, I’m preaching to myself as well.

Entertainment News:
Speaking of Breast Cancer, Giuliana Rancic, most known for being the co-host of E-News announced yesterday that she has Breast Cancer. This is sad news to hear, I know her husband and her have been trying to have a baby…let’s pray that she beats this and make beautiful healthy babies!!!

Alabama’s very own, Paul McDonald, former American Idol contestant, marries, lead “Twilight” star Nikki Reed in Malibu on a small ranch….how romantic!

Local Events
Taste of Huntsville is this Thursday, Oct. 20, 2011. Tickets are $30 in Advance and $35 at the door.

Event Magazine’s Pink Party: October 26The “Pink Party,” a pink tie affair hosted by Event Magazine, will be held on October 26, from 6-9 p.m. in downtown Huntsville at 216 Westside Square. Purchase your tickets at the Foundation for $45 per person or at Proceeds will benefit Liz’s fund.

Life Lesson of the day: Laugh at least once a day, it’s good for the soul

Ladies, remember to examine yourself monthly and eat right… as much as you can, and remember to be appreciative of the small things in life.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Good Monday to you!

Ladies, I hope your weekend was pleasant and you got as much relaxation as you can.

Today I want to touch on my experience with Breastfeeding and who knows, maybe you can relate. Now I’m no expert but if you have any questions or comments, shoot them at me and I will see what I can do!

My journey with breastfeeding began when I was sitting in a seminar listening to this doctor talk about how healthy his children are and how much less they have been to doctor (compared to other children he knew) since his wife began breastfeeding. Before I was like...nope, not doing it, pass me the similac…lol. But it was something about his story that began me thinking of wanting to try it. Then my good friend became pregnant and informed me that she was going to be breastfeeding and the more I researched and talked to my husband about it, it was something I would at least wanted to try. See for me, none of the women in my family never breastfeed, so of course I was nervous about the journey and had second thoughts. I had thoughts of, will it hurt? how will it look?  will I even be able to produce any milk?

So before I had my baby, I went to a class on breastfeeding, where they talked about the health and growth of the baby and we watched videos of women who had just given birth and the baby’s would automatically find the woman’s breast and nurse, I thought it was so amazing! Although, I have to admit, my mother and I sat towards the back giggling like school children, lol. I think it was the embarrassment of sitting next to my mother watching such a raw and beautiful video BUT the one thing that stood in my mind was what the lactation consultant stated “even if you breastfeed for two weeks, it still would be good for your baby” so I knew I at least wanted to try for my baby.

Immediately after having the baby, they brought her to me and she latched on!!!! I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing my baby was able to feed from me and we connected as mommy and baby. The first hours after the birth are the most important, you want to make sure your baby feeds from you within an hour, the first milk is sweet and the baby loves it.

Now ladies, I’m not going to fantasize this like a fairy tale or say that it’s easy, but what I can tell you, the bond you feel between you and your baby is worth every breast pump, every nipple pain, every engorgement, and every late night feeding. To know that you and only you can feed your baby this way is just a beautiful gift from God.  

My baby is now 4 months and I plan on continuing to nurse her until I feel she is ready to stop.

All in all ladies, yes it hurts (but it eventually get’s better), yes it’s time consuming, yes it can be frustrating (especially if your baby is having a hard time latching…keep trying, it will happen), and yes, unfortunately you feel like your body no longer belongs to you…lol. BUT!!!! I promise it is worth the try!

To be continued....

Today’s Life Lesson: “Anything Worth Doing, Isn't Easy, but that is What Makes it Worth Doing!

Friday, October 14, 2011



Looks like it’s going to be another beautiful weekend! Before I forget, this Saturday at Parkway Place Mall Chick-fil-A, they’re going to be having Daddy, Daughter Date Night! This is a joyous and memorable time for little girls to spend time alone with their daddy’s. You must r.s.v.p at but please don’t miss this event. And guess what Mommies??? This will be a great time for you to have some R&R!!

Go to and get a coupon for a free Halloween cookie with a purchase of three other cookies! Sounds yummy!

I think I’m going to go out and do a little shopping this weekend, I want to see if I can find the latest fall color Hunter Green!

Today’s Life Lesson!
When you say “I love you” mean it

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Back at it!

I missed yesterday’s blog but I’m back!
I had to take my baby to the doctor, and I spent all day caring and nurturing her, although she wasn’t feeling her best, I still enjoyed my Wednesday with her. She is my heart!

So I have to catch up today!

Fashion Tip:
Denim on Denim is back in style and just in time for fall. So bring out the denim shirt and jeans, stuff the jeans in the boot, put on a scarf and you’ll be fly!

Recipe…(Sounds great!):

Cordon Bleu Crescent Bake

Prep Time:10 Min
Ready In:30 Min

Original Recipe Yield 8 servings


  • 2 (8 ounce) cans Pillsbury® refrigerated crescent dinner rolls or Pillsbury® Crescent Recipe Creations® refrigerated seamless dough sheet
  • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • 4 ounces sliced chicken
  • 4 ounces sliced ham
  • 4 slices Swiss cheese


1.     Unroll 1 can of dough (if using crescent rolls, press perforations to seal) onto ungreased cookie sheet. Spread 1 tablespoon of the mustard to within 1/2 inch of edges. Top with chicken, ham and cheese.
2.     Unroll remaining can of dough (if using crescent rolls, press perforations to seal); spread with remaining mustard. Place mustard side down on cheese; press edges with fork to seal.
3.     Bake at 375 degrees F 15 to 20 minutes.
Amount Per Serving  Calories: 341 | Total Fat: 19.7g | Cholesterol: 31mg Mar
Marriage Tip and Family Tip…. I saw this and I must share:
1.      Listen without interrupting (Proverbs 18)
2.      Speak without accusing (James 1:19)
3.      Answer without arguing ( Proverbs 14:1)
4.      Enjoy without complaint ( Philippians 2:14)
5.      Give without sparring (Proverbs 21:26)

Entertainment News!
So Tori Spelling welcomed a baby girl this week!!!! This is her and her husband’s (Dean) third child together. He has a son from a previous marriage.

Also, if you haven’t already, check out two wonderful family shows that I know you will relate and laugh to: “Up All Night” – ABC and “Reed Between the Lines” – BET….so good, I love them!

Local Events:
Babies and Toys R Us opens this Friday at Bridgestreet!

Today’s Life Lesson!
Don’t believe all you hear and believe only half of what you see!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rainy Tuesday!

Well it's raining's been a while since it's rain, it's calming, the kind of hard to get out of bed rain. I told myself the next time it rains I was going to run threw it, to wash away my dirt and dust! I like to like at the rain as God's way of washing away all the dirt and dust from the Earth. Someone sent me an email about running in the rain and I told her that the next time it rained I was going to run threw it.

Last night, my baby fell asleep in her crib for the first time and she also slept in it all night. I couldn't believe it. I was proud and sad it the same time. Truth be told I actually like having her body next to me....she's growing up.

In Entertainment News!
Jay Z and Bey announced when the baby is due……February! February is a perfect month, because my birthday is that month and it’s Black History Month, you can’t get no better than that.

Okay, so the “Twenty Life Rule” of the day is:
Marry a man or woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other!

Monday, October 10, 2011

It's the start of a New Week!

I hope everyone had a great weeked. I got to enjoy some much need quality time with my family. It was also grocery weekend, all in all, I saved about $37!!!! Wooo hoo!

If you're like me, the weekend seems to fly by and waking up on Monday mornings is a drag! But you know, its all a blessing. Waking up this morning in your right mind, having cloths, food, a home, car, job and your health are extreme blessing, so although we don't want to merge out of the bed, just be Thankful!

Beginning today, I will start the "Twenty Life Rules" here it goes!!!

One: Reflect before you Act!

Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

First Week!

It' Friday! I have completed my first week of blogging!!!! Yay Me!

Anywho! Tomorrow there's is alot of great events going on, including face painting and free food at Providence. So bring you kids to have a fun time!

Last night I was watching Project Runaway and I noticed a new trend, which is wearing a waist belt backwards, different but cute!

This weekend do something for yourself, and go over to to find out what today's "Freaky Friday" theme you can use it on you significant other!!!

This blog is going to be simple and sweet, but don't worry, follow me throughout the day on twitter #MATMothers!

Happy Friday!!!!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Take Time

So... I had written my daily blog already and the computer shut off :0( This is a learning lesson, always have a back up plan. Oh well...

This weekend is grocery weekend, I am preparing to get my coupons ready. I actually called Publix to see if they had price matching, and they don't but they do take their competitors coupons. For any questions regarding couponing polices, don't be shy, call the store and you can also find the couponing polices on along with other couponing tips.

In the Entertainment world, co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs passed away yesterday, he was battling cancer and leaves behind four children and his wife. I pray God places his arms around the family during this trying time. RIP.

Weekend events:
Don't forget it's AAMUs homecoming, Parade and the game is Saturday, October 8th.
Also the Cahaba Shrine is having their Sportsman BBQ this Saturday as well.

Note: if you're just feeling overwhelmed, know that you can't please everybody and yourself at the same time. Go to a quite place for about 5 minutes and take deep breaths, say a prayer and you'll feel better. Remember you are a woman FIRST and a human being so take time out for yourself, it will be helpful to you and the people around you....i'm preaching to

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

It's Hump Day!

Yes ladies were almost through the week!!!!:o)

I have to share a story, on the way into work I was on the phone with my sister in law and she was telling me that a gentleman she knows just had a second baby and that his wife will be staying at home leaving her career, that's right career! not a job (I was an inch away from leaving my job to take care of my baby, so I understand that), to take care of the children. And for some odd reason, he believes his wife will be able to be superwoman and he will come home to a clean, relaxed home everyday now...............guess what? Rude awakening!!!!! His wife will be doing good if she is able to keep herself clean and the children too! and Relaxation...buddy that's out the door. What I suggest is that he comes home with a hug, kiss, a thank you and a 5 hour drink! lol...

Fashion Tip of the day!
Ladies is Fall time!!!! so you know what that means, bring out the boots!! To spice up those boots add some tights to them, they come in all types of patterns and if you're a little bold, try tights with color! But don't go over the top with the bold, keep it unique but classy too.

Baby Tip
How to get the little one to sleep? Set predictable and consistent nap routines. Pick out the times of the day that you are most tired, for example 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Lie down with your baby at these times every day for about a week to get your baby used to a daytime nap routine. This also sets you up to get some much-needed daytime rest rather than be tempted to "finally get something done" while baby is napping. Babies who have consistent nap routines during the day are more likely to sleep longer stretches at night.

Marriage Tip - how to keep it spicy?
Listen if you're like me at this point you're good to get ten minutes of alone time. Try meeting each other on your lunch break for a little "cuddle time". If you have an hour, take 30 minutes to eat and make take the other 30 minutes to go for a short walk in the park, and if you can...try not to talk about the baby so much!

Also, I found this quick and simple recipe and it's good!

  • 1 (12 ounce) package egg noodles
  • 1/4 cup chopped onion
  • 2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 1 cup frozen green peas
  • 2 (6 ounce) cans tuna, drained
  • 2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed cream of mushroom soup
  • 1/2 (4.5 ounce) can sliced mushrooms
  • 1 cup crushed potato chips


  1. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook pasta in boiling water for 8 to 10 minutes, or until al dente; drain.
  2. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
  3. In a large bowl, thoroughly mix noodles, onion, 1 cup cheese, peas, tuna, soup and mushrooms. Transfer to a 9x13 inch baking dish, and top with potato chip crumbs and remaining 1 cup cheese.
  4. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until cheese is bubbly.

Fun Family Local upcoming events:

Fall Festival
Oct. 28, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Southeast Family Y  Trunk-or-Treat, hay ride, Moon Bounce, Games, Cookie Walk & more fun for kids & parents! Please call Carole Forbes at 256.883.9622 if you would like to volunteer to pass out treats. No cost.

Safari Adventure Stage Show

Members: Free Children 2 and under: Free
Adults: $12.00Children 3-18: $8.00
Seniors (55+): $10.00Military Personnel: $10.00
Sales tax will be added to all admission fees.

Friday, October 7, 2011 With shows at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. in the Boeing Toyota Amphitheatre.
Take an adventure around the world and never leave the Garden! Your Safari Guides from Wildlife Wonders-A Zoo To You will bring the fun and live animals to you.  Possible animals you’ll see are a serval cat, a gibbon, a red kangaroo, a monitor lizard, an alligator along with other surprise creatures. Who knows what else you’ll see in this fun and educational animal show. Don’t miss the fun.   There is a great met and greet opportunity at the end of the show to see at least some of the animals up close.

Garden admission or membership is required to attend the Safari!  Bring your camera as you’ll want to photograph these rare animals up close.  Admission to the show also gets you into the Garden.  Enjoy the day!!! The Garden admission will also get you into the Scare Crow Trail too!!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So yesterday, was a busy day but I got alot accomplished. I made it out to "The Style Bar Mixer", it allowed me to kill two birds with one stone, which was to see the boutique for the first time and mingle with local business women. It was nice! If you ever want to look at new upcoming and unique outfits and accessories stop by The Style Bar at the corner of Bob Wallace and Leeman Ferry!!

Lately in Entertainment News:
Amanda Knox is finally Free after 4 years!! Her family says the first thing she wants to do when she gets out is feel the grass. (I couldn't imagine)

Dr. Conrad Murray, the doctor on trial for the manslaughter of Michael Jackson, was spotted over the weekend getting a pedicure and going cloths shopping???? Hmm, I never thought we would have something in common, peddis and shopping, lol.

Jennifer Hudson, we all know Jennifer for being on American Idol, Dreamgirls, Award Winnings and now the skinny body of Weight Watchers. So, if you're like me I bet you have been wondering when is she going marry her fiancé, who is also her baby's father? Rumor has it, the reason she has not walked down the aisle yet is because of some prenup issues. I can't say I don't blame her. Her fiancé David Otunga was on the realty show "I Love New York" and now is doing some wrestling on like WWE or something. I mean he got money but not JHuds money.

Well that's all for back soon!

Monday, October 3, 2011

New Beginnings

Well this is a start to new beginnings...there's a saying that goes "Every journey begins with one step" so I am stepping out! When I was pregnant with my now 3 month old, I went from Excited, Anxious and Nervous to Overjoyed, Overwhelmed, and Overtaken.
….When I was pregnant it was… will we be able to afford this, everyone says, your life will never be the same again, really???? Duh, or hmm how so, is it really that bad? To C-section???  Well I always said it wouldn’t bother me but now that I actually have to do so, how will this affect my babies development? To, so now that my belly is sticking out I guess everyone knows what I’ve been doing huh???lol And my gosh, does everyone has an advice??? Omg, did this lady really just touch my stomach, ma’am? Umm after this breastfeeding class do I really want to do this, I can’t stop laughing at the video…lmbo. Oh gosh, I really want some Mexican food, will it really hurt the baby? And gees how many freaking shots and lab appoints do I have to get? This baby and this man better love me for life, going through all this? And what perfume is she wearing??? I think I am about to pass out. I am so huge and so tired, I really wish this parking garage had an escalator, you can tell a man made this design… OMG, I can not believe its that time!!! Umm are they really shaving there??? Ummmm okay, so much for being bashful!
After…. i breastfeeding right? would i be rude if i tell everyone I don't feel like having company, I just want to be able to relax just one day with my new baby and husband...gees, I just had surgery... or Honey, is my hair looking okay or does it seem different to you, I think I need a new style, do you think it's too early for a relaxer? Did anybody else go through this? or is it my hormones just making me crazy? Wait! I am I crazy? Or how did Kourtney Kardasian look so perfect after her baby? How am I going to go back to work, after 6 week, I can’t leave my baby that’s just to early? Oh my, who will watch her, I just can’t do it!!! Will I be able to pump enough milk to supply my baby...oh, gosh I don't want to starve her? I am still attractive???
I mean my mind was going A Mile A Minute!!!!
 So I said wouldn't it be nice to have somewhere or someone, or people you can relate to and actually speak with.  Being a new mommy, fashionista, going back to work, still fulfilling my “wifely” Well we are all going to learn and I'm going be blogging about it all. We are mothers, wives, business women and fashionista too...and guess what ladies? We can do it! And not only that we are going to look good doing it!