Monday, October 3, 2011

New Beginnings

Well this is a start to new beginnings...there's a saying that goes "Every journey begins with one step" so I am stepping out! When I was pregnant with my now 3 month old, I went from Excited, Anxious and Nervous to Overjoyed, Overwhelmed, and Overtaken.
….When I was pregnant it was… will we be able to afford this, everyone says, your life will never be the same again, really???? Duh, or hmm how so, is it really that bad? To C-section???  Well I always said it wouldn’t bother me but now that I actually have to do so, how will this affect my babies development? To, so now that my belly is sticking out I guess everyone knows what I’ve been doing huh???lol And my gosh, does everyone has an advice??? Omg, did this lady really just touch my stomach, ma’am? Umm after this breastfeeding class do I really want to do this, I can’t stop laughing at the video…lmbo. Oh gosh, I really want some Mexican food, will it really hurt the baby? And gees how many freaking shots and lab appoints do I have to get? This baby and this man better love me for life, going through all this? And what perfume is she wearing??? I think I am about to pass out. I am so huge and so tired, I really wish this parking garage had an escalator, you can tell a man made this design… OMG, I can not believe its that time!!! Umm are they really shaving there??? Ummmm okay, so much for being bashful!
After…. i breastfeeding right? would i be rude if i tell everyone I don't feel like having company, I just want to be able to relax just one day with my new baby and husband...gees, I just had surgery... or Honey, is my hair looking okay or does it seem different to you, I think I need a new style, do you think it's too early for a relaxer? Did anybody else go through this? or is it my hormones just making me crazy? Wait! I am I crazy? Or how did Kourtney Kardasian look so perfect after her baby? How am I going to go back to work, after 6 week, I can’t leave my baby that’s just to early? Oh my, who will watch her, I just can’t do it!!! Will I be able to pump enough milk to supply my baby...oh, gosh I don't want to starve her? I am still attractive???
I mean my mind was going A Mile A Minute!!!!
 So I said wouldn't it be nice to have somewhere or someone, or people you can relate to and actually speak with.  Being a new mommy, fashionista, going back to work, still fulfilling my “wifely” Well we are all going to learn and I'm going be blogging about it all. We are mothers, wives, business women and fashionista too...and guess what ladies? We can do it! And not only that we are going to look good doing it!

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