Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hump Day= Marriage, Fashion & Baby!

I cannot believe it’s the middle of the week already!?!?

It’s Wednesday so it’s Fashion, Marriage and Baby Tip Day!

Fashion Tip
Today I want to talk about makeup, the fall’s new fashion trend is Smoky Metallic Eyes, and we’ve seen Rhianna, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, and Sarah Jessica Parker all wearing this new and sexy trend. For how to apply this look go to:

Baby Tip
So my lovebug is now starting to eat and you know what type of mess that can make, so I went hunting for some new bibs, and I found some Circo bibs at Target. The bibs are plastic which means, when baby spits out his/her food it will fall on the bib and you can wipe it right off with a wipe or wet paper cloth. It’s so easy and the mess is less for you to clean up. I believe I paid less than $5 for two in a pack. You can find these bibs in the baby section, past the cloths, near the toys!!

Marriage Tip
Listen I was going to write on a really simple topic but I just have to talk about how technology is just taking over and if you let it, it can take over your relationship too! So this week I heard about this new app, where you can purchase a “virtual girlfriend” ….I mean you can text her and she will text you back! Yeah…I know, crazy huh??? And then with Facebook, Twitter and all these other sites, it is very possible for anyone to have a “side piece”. That is why communication is key! Along with trust!!! Also, keep it fresh. Instead of your hubby getting text messages from a “virtual girlfriend”, how about you send him flirty texts yourself? You’ll be surprised how a compliment here and there can make a difference. A good website to look at that also touches on this topic and many other good topics is:

So now that we’ve covered your new look, getting baby together… plan a small date for you and the hubby this weekend. Ask the in laws or whoever you trust to watch your little one for a couple of hours and either go out or stay at home and snuggle up…this is good weather to be “booed up”…lol.

Today’s life lesson: Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it’s the only way to live life completely.

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