Monday, October 17, 2011


Good Monday to you!

Ladies, I hope your weekend was pleasant and you got as much relaxation as you can.

Today I want to touch on my experience with Breastfeeding and who knows, maybe you can relate. Now I’m no expert but if you have any questions or comments, shoot them at me and I will see what I can do!

My journey with breastfeeding began when I was sitting in a seminar listening to this doctor talk about how healthy his children are and how much less they have been to doctor (compared to other children he knew) since his wife began breastfeeding. Before I was like...nope, not doing it, pass me the similac…lol. But it was something about his story that began me thinking of wanting to try it. Then my good friend became pregnant and informed me that she was going to be breastfeeding and the more I researched and talked to my husband about it, it was something I would at least wanted to try. See for me, none of the women in my family never breastfeed, so of course I was nervous about the journey and had second thoughts. I had thoughts of, will it hurt? how will it look?  will I even be able to produce any milk?

So before I had my baby, I went to a class on breastfeeding, where they talked about the health and growth of the baby and we watched videos of women who had just given birth and the baby’s would automatically find the woman’s breast and nurse, I thought it was so amazing! Although, I have to admit, my mother and I sat towards the back giggling like school children, lol. I think it was the embarrassment of sitting next to my mother watching such a raw and beautiful video BUT the one thing that stood in my mind was what the lactation consultant stated “even if you breastfeed for two weeks, it still would be good for your baby” so I knew I at least wanted to try for my baby.

Immediately after having the baby, they brought her to me and she latched on!!!! I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing my baby was able to feed from me and we connected as mommy and baby. The first hours after the birth are the most important, you want to make sure your baby feeds from you within an hour, the first milk is sweet and the baby loves it.

Now ladies, I’m not going to fantasize this like a fairy tale or say that it’s easy, but what I can tell you, the bond you feel between you and your baby is worth every breast pump, every nipple pain, every engorgement, and every late night feeding. To know that you and only you can feed your baby this way is just a beautiful gift from God.  

My baby is now 4 months and I plan on continuing to nurse her until I feel she is ready to stop.

All in all ladies, yes it hurts (but it eventually get’s better), yes it’s time consuming, yes it can be frustrating (especially if your baby is having a hard time latching…keep trying, it will happen), and yes, unfortunately you feel like your body no longer belongs to you…lol. BUT!!!! I promise it is worth the try!

To be continued....

Today’s Life Lesson: “Anything Worth Doing, Isn't Easy, but that is What Makes it Worth Doing!

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