Monday, October 31, 2011

H-a-p-p-y H-a-l-l-:O)-w-e-e-n!

So listen last week was extremely busy, and I so missed my blogging, it’s like therapy to me but now I back!!!!

H-a-p-p-y H-a-l-l-:O)-w-e-e-n!

Let me start this morning by saying how happy I am to be alive and well this morning. I have come to the conclusion that God has a plan for me and that he brought this blogging ideal to me so that I may be a blessing to others. He has great plans for me and I intend on using my blessing to help others, everyone keep me in your prayers and ask God to use me to do his will.

Alright, Christmas is coming up entirely too fast. We have only 54 days to go…yes that’s right, less than two months and yesterday Huntsville Times had the Toys R US Toy Magazine in the Sunday’s paper…how many of your children went through and circled everything on each page (even if they already had it)??? Lol too cute. Just tell them Santa Claus can’t fit all of that on the sleigh….lol. I’m so glad my little is still too little to do that but I know its coming.

Okay so….Beyonce and Jay Z are having…………………………………………………..drum roll please…………………………………………………….a baby GIRL!!!!!! We already know little “Jayonce” is going to have her own island by the age of two….lol.

Back to Halloween, we want our children to have a great time and bring out the little creatures in them but we also want them to be safe so here are alittle safety tips for trick or treating:

Now, if you really don’t want to go house to house with your children there are many churches around the valley that is having “Trunk or Treat” and they are just as fun.

But my little one and I are going to Grandma’s and helping to pass out candy and are going to a few houses. I'm so excited she’s going to be a little flower.

Today’s life lesson: If God brought you to it, he will bring you through it!

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